Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weddings, funerals, cookies and an emotional readjustment

Last week I traveled to South Carolina to spend time with my amazing family and attend an amazing wedding with them in North Carolina. While I was there I made a wedding cake for 100 people, had the opportunity to drive through a beautiful mountain range in the Nantahala National Forest, and ate a few too many of my Uncle David's pecan chocolate chip cookies.

Life has been showing up in extremes the past few weeks (a wedding, a death, a pregnancy, an illness, and lots of transition) and after the wedding last weekend my extended family traveled back to Ithaca with my mother and I to spend some unexpectedly extended time together. Friday afternoon when the last of my family left I was feeling sad and lonely.

I decided this morning to try my hand at some pecan chocolate chip cookies. Partly because baking relaxes me and partly because thinking about these cookies is a fond reminder of how much I enjoy my family and am grateful for them no matter what the circumstance. My cookies were good but not nearly as good as my Uncle David's. What can I say, I think I'm at a pecan disadvantage up here in NY, plus he's had a lot more practice.